men's Ministry Events

  • Tuesdays: men's studY

    7:00 AM in the Library: Men are invited to study and discuss how the scriptures impact their daily lives and the world. Led by Jay.

  • life recovery group

    Experience freedom to overcome alcoholism and drug addiction! Understand and apply God's spiritual power available in this 12-step Bible Study.

    Thursdays, 6:30 PM, The Cross Church, 740 Grand Ave., Schofield, WI

    Contact: Gary 715-454-6793

  • soul refiner

    WHY IS SEXUAL SIN AGAINST YOUR OWN BODY? How are porn and sex- trafficking linked? How are Porn Companies targeting Video Gamers? Soul Refiner is here to help MEN renew their minds and transform hearts!

    read articles

  • bridge groups

    If you would be interested in joining or leading a group, please contact the office.

    MORE INFORMATIONwhat are Bridge groups?

  • MOndays: Men’s Study

    On hold.